Donation Details for Vectors, Fonts and Brushes

If you would like to donate to help keep Dirt2 running so that I can continue creating and sharing my resources then I would encourage any sort of payment to be made through PayPal. Every donation helps support this site and allows me to keep the site hosted, domains registered, art supplies in stock and sometimes it’s rent.

A sincere thank you to customers who have purchased font licenses and the people around the world who have donated to me for my resources. Your donations allow me to continue running my site, something I never knew I would have after all these years and I am still making content because of the interest you have in my resources. Enjoy, modify, create and if you donated then good luck with the products you’re selling.

Donations Under $5.00

Dirt2 Pattern, Stock, ClipArt Commercial Usage

If you make a donation of any amount under $5.00 (usd) then I would allow you to use any one of my extra resources (clipart, patterns etc). Please include a note mentioning which resource you are donating for/interested in using.

For A $5.00 Minimum Donation

Photoshop Brushes & Vector File Commercial Usage

If you donate $5.00 (usd) or more then you can use any one brush set (one abr file) for commercial use or alternatively you may use any vector file for commercial purposes. Simply let me know which brush file or vector file you are using by including an attached note to your donation. You may donate for more than one brush/vector file if you would like (a minimum of five dollars per resource item).

Dirt2 Font Donations for Commercial Usage

If you have already downloaded and used a Dirt2 font and you decided you want to use it in merchandise or commercial goods then you can make a donation for the amount listed on for the specific font – make sure to include the name of the font you are using in the extra note option in your PayPal donation.